Guys, I kind of might have cheated in adding this to the list, because I sort of already had plans to eat here tonight before I made the list. But whatever.
So, The Friendly Toast and I have a long history. The original Friendly Toast, built by the neighbors of my high school boyfriend, is located right near where I went to high school, and I spent more nights there than I could ever count ordering late night breakfast and appetizers and talking high school drama with friends. When I heard that a Friendly Toast had opened in Cambridge a year or so ago, I kept meaning to go, but just hadn't made it yet... until tonight.
Appropriately, I met one of my very best friends from high school, Maria, out front after work for some very needed drinks and dinner. The new Friendly Toast is brighter, smaller and a little less cozy than the Friendly Toast of my memory, but once we were handed our menus, identical to those I spent so many nights pouring over in high school, full of INSANELY delicious things to eat, I couldn't help but smile and feel right at home. I ordered some drink full of tequila and "crazy quesadillas" and sweet potato fries and totally enjoyed everything.
After dinner, we saw a thousand people carrying pink bags, so we decided to hit the Garment District, open until midnight from now until Halloween, to do some costume shopping. I finally got the teeth and face paint I need for my bat costume - which hopefully will be motivation for me to finish the wings / dress / rest of the costume sometime soon. Let's consider Friendly Toast accomplished and add completing BAT COSTUME to the list. Also, maybe I should cut out the food related items until Halloween so I can fit into my bat costume. I am feeling so full right now! Whatever, so worth it, checkity check, Friendly Toast off the list!
Steph I love this blogggg