GUYS, go see this movie (unless your my mom, mom: under absolutely no circumstances should you see this movie). I laughed, I cried - I almost threw up. Twice. I now have the largest crush on Ryan Dunn (who I believe is the movie's SUPERSTAR HERO because Bam and Johnny Knoxville are like old or cry babies or something now) (but Steveo's still cool). Look at him in his white v-necked glory here:

The theater we went to was mostly full of annoying 14 year olds who definitely didn't know anything about the Jackass legacy (philistines!). But, I was the one who looked like the real Rookie, because I wore glasses to a 3d movie and had to wear my 3d glasses on top of my regular glasses. God, I'm so dumb sometimes. I waited until the theater was dark to so, so hopefully no one noticed my utter and complete Newb Nerdiness except for Will.
Anyway, Jackass 3D - checkarooni. I feel like I should add something... intellectual to the list. I don't know. I added a bunch of stuff to the list yesterday, my brain is empty of ideas now. I'll get back to this.
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