I vowed things would be different this year. Then, a few weeks ago my lovely friend Tricia posted this photo and I was inspired - "ah ha!" I said, " This year I will be a bat!" Looks simple enough, right?

Of course I waited until the last minute to figure out that I have no idea how to make bat ears (I don't even have a picture of the first version of my bat ears, which I wore to school, but trust me, they only vaguely incarnated bat, at best) and that the fabric I had planned to make my wings out of was NO WHERE TO BE FOUND. I sorted that all out after a quick trip to the Garment District (at 11:30... the Thursday before Halloween weekend, SO FUN) where I found a black dress to construct my bat wings out of. My attempt at safety pinning the wings to my black dress was mediocre at best, so my wings were a little droopy at school, but luckily before I headed to Alanna's party Will helped me adjust and re-safety pin my wings and made me better bat ears! While I cried because I could't get my bat fangs to stay on my teeth (i ended up ditching them) and spilt beer all over myself and got black face paint everywhere. I suck haha. Anyway, here's the only surviving photo of my bat costume:

...brought to you by photobooth, as are the rest of the pictures, because I sucked at taking photos this weekend, which also means I have no photos of Will in his upgraded giraffe costume! He made this giraffe head piece out of foam at work on Friday (totally impressive and crafty, right?) and wore it over the giraffe tshirt I made for him two years ago. Voila:

(giraffe pattern on back as well! and the mask we were totally bummed to have lost in his apartment fire)
So, yes, anyway - bat costume, kind of a failure. But I tried! You can't say I didn't try. But Saturday when I went out I decided to bring back the kitty costume, because it's just so easy and reliable and easy and cute. I did see like 5 or 20 other cats while we were out, but whatever, who cares. And I had the best make up, for sure. Cause I'm a pro now, in this 3rd year of kittydom. I've got the face paint skills locked down:

Overall, a totally successful Halloween. Maybe my costume wasn't "kickass" per se, but whatever. I tried. Chuuuuhhhhh-eck.
ok I think you could have gone as the bat your trying to compare your effort with a designer in NY. Be yourself as a bat
ReplyDeletehaha thankyou! I shouldn't be so hard on my bat costume I guess. I forgot to mention the swing vote for the cat costume was that, unlike the bat costume, I could wear a jacket over it and I wasn't tripping over my wings in my heels all night! Much safer / warmer choice!
ReplyDeleteI think you make a great bat and kitty!
ReplyDeleteSteph, I think your wings came out even better than designer from (what, buffalo???) NY's.