For those of you that didn't know, this brand new car has since been rear ended by some jerk-off hipster jerk-off, and is still in the process of being mended back to newness, which has made me pretty upset. My Memere has been really supportive, sending me positive notes (and checks, thank-you Memere!) like the "Don't be upset over this, just get it fixed and enjoy" one I opened this morning that made me decide today was the day to sit down and write her a nice, thoughtful thank-you letter. Thank-you letters always seem like a chore when I set out to do them, but once I started writing I realized 1) that I had a lot to tell her (like how I am planning on making some deliciously tasty soups in the near future, because we sort of have an inside joke (what are we 13??) about soup ever since she came to visit and my mom and dad WOULDN'T FEED HER WHEN SHE WAS HUNGRY AND SHE HAD TO EAT CANNED SOUP) and 2) that it felt really, really great to tell someone I love how much I love them and to imagine how happy she'd be when she opened a letter from her granddaughter. Cool! I will put it in the mail on my way to work today.

A goofy photo of me holding said note, for your time. (Which reminds me that I need to add "get a haircut" to the list).
So partial check or whatever to this item on the list. Maybe I will get around to the rest of the important people in my life sometime soon. Maybe you'll have to buy me a car first. We shall see.
This is so sweet!