Wednesday, November 10, 2010

#36 Make Encouraging Banner Wall Art

Bummin' around the house tonight.. no school (work!) for me tomorrow and nada to do tonight, save for catching up on my DVR and eating pad thai and heaps of edamame delivered straight from Spice & Rice, so I thought it would be the perfect time to bust into my Cabinet O' Art Supplies and start an encouraging banner.

Now, when I envisioned making said banner, I pictured myself gathering all the scraps of fabric I have, finally learning how to use my grandmother's sewing machine (making this a double check kind of night) and making a really beautiful banner, worthy of hanging in my living room amongst my other treasures. But, then I got real with myself and decided that that would take 7748923749 hours of google work ("how to use sewing machine" "sewing machine user manual" "encouraging messages" "inspiration quotes" etc etc) and would likely not end up happening tonight. Instead, I grabbed my trusty scissors, glue and construction paper and thought of the first great quote I could. ...."EVERYTHING IS A MIRACLE, OR NOTHING IS!" Perfect. I don't even know who said it, but it has stuck with me (apparently), so I went with it. (If you want to know you can google it).

Finished product, hanging in the place where nothing hung before, and where nothing was likely to hang anytime soon (despite my best efforts to find just the right thing!):

Taken on my blackberry, because I'm lazy bones, so excuse the poor lighting.

So now I'm just sitting here, soaking up the inspiration. It's not hand sewn, or super fancy or anything, but it's done! Maybe I'll add making a nicer version to the list? I think so. Maybe just a nice big one that says SMILE for the next round. Anyhow, check!

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